Revive wilting hydrangeas and bring them back to life with 15 minute gardening technique

Hydrangeas are one of the most popular flowers to have displayed in your home at this time of year due to their big blooms, but it can be disappointing if they suddenly begin drooping. 

It can be really frustrating to spend all year tending to flowers or buying an expensive bunch at the supermarket only for them to suddenly begin dying as soon as you put them in a vase. 

The reason hydrangeas and some other fresh-cut flowers tend to wilt away quickly is that air bubbles can block water from travelling up the stem, which means water properly hydrates the plant. 

However, Julie Blanner, a home expert, has shared there is a quick gardening method to revive your hydrangeas to make them look beautiful again as all you need is a kitchen sink. 

Julie said: “Soak them in a sink full of lukewarm water and watch the magic happen!”

Hydrangeas tend to be a difficult plant to keep alive in vases due to their thick woody stems, but submerging them in water can soften the stems to dissolve any air or sap blocking them

All you need to do is recut your hydrangea stems at a 45-degree angle as it will create more of an opening to allow the flower to soak up more water. 

Then, remove any leaves still attached to the stem as the foliage takes away water from the flower petals which will cause it to wilt away more quickly. 

Then fill a sink or a big deep bowl with water. It does not matter if the water is cold, lukewarm or hot. 

Julie said: “I have always used cool water, but many people believe warm water is better for this process. I’m guessing it works either way!” 

Then dunk the hydrangeas into the water and leave them alone for at least 15 minutes, but you can leave them overnight if you wish. 

Once the time is up remove them from the water, carefully pat them dry with a paper towel and place them back in a vase.

Fill the vase up with fresh water and hopefully your hydrangeas will have bounced back to have even lusher blooms than before. 

Julie said: “Change the vase water every day, or at least as often as you can! Again, hydrangeas thrive on extra water. You can also mist them daily to give them an extra boost!” 

This simple trick will work to bring other cut flowers such as roses, lilacs, sunflowers, gerbera daisies and peonies back to life since they also have tough stems. 

Giving hydrangeas in your garden lots of water to revive them can work, but be careful to make sure the water is not too hot or too cold as the shock of the temperature change can damage them.

It is also important to not try this method with garden hydrangeas in winter, as too much water can freeze the plant which will greatly harm the roots and could even kill the plant once it begins to thaw. 

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Posted: 2024-12-23 08:43:33

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