Tory grassroots draws up fresh de-selection hit list of MPs | Politics | News

Furious Conservative grassroots members have drawn up a new de-selection hit list of Tory MPs who “aren’t being conservative”.

Conservative Post, which has replaced the Tory bible Conservative Home as the mouthpiece for the party’s membership, is issuing a fresh rallying cry to its readers.

The publication has identified ten Tory MPs it says the party membership wants to see the back of.

They include former Tory leadership hopeful Bim Afolami, MP for Hitchin and Harpenden in Hertfordshire, and current Cabinet heavyweight Laura Trott, MP for Sevenoaks in Kent.

READ MORE: The image that proves Tories must move to right to avoid election annihilation

An article on the publication’s website says: “Did you know? If 10% of an Association’s membership send in a letter of no confidence about their MP, we can start deselecting those Conservative MPs who aren’t actually being conservative.

“So for example, an Association with 150 members would only need 15 letters of no confidence to go in to call for a Special General Meeting.

“For too long there have been concerns the Conservative Party’s candidates department have been weeding out actual centre-right conservatives and pushing liberal centrists.”

Claire Bullivant, Conservative Post editor, said: “It's time to get our Conservative Party back on track with proper conservative MPs who have conservative values.

“For too long it appears a few shadowy people in CCHQ and the Conservative Party's candidates' department have been weeding out actual centre-right conservatives and pushing liberal centrists.

“I personally know of some brilliant Conservatives who have put themselves forward as candidates only to be rejected in favour of dripping wets.”

Ms Bullivant argued it was time to instil “proper conservative values” because the country was “calling out for this”.

She said: “Poll after poll shows Britain is crying out for conservatism.

“It’s time to start flexing our muscles and steering our party back to proper conservatism.

“We want MPs who promote proper conservative values: free speech, free markets, free people, low taxes, small government, Brexit and Britain!

“Poll after poll shows the country is also calling out for this.

“If the MPs aren't performing then the members will sack them.

“It's time to save our party and our country.”

The letter members are being urged to send

Dear Chairman,

I am writing to request a Special General Meeting to consider the following motion:

“That this meeting of members of the XXXXX Conservative Association / Federation does not confirm the selection and adoption of XXXXX as the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the XXXXX Constituency.”

I can confirm the above motion uses wording similar to that used by CCHQ themselves for a similar motion that members voted upon elsewhere, proving that the motion is valid and that the precedence of a confirmatory vote of members has been set.

I believe we should immediately start the process of selecting a new Prospective Parliamentary Candidate.

Yours sincerely, XXXXX

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Posted: 2024-04-02 14:07:39

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