How to remove moss from lawn fast with 55p kitchen staple - no harsh chemicals

Moss is a shallow-rooted plant that spreads by spores and root-like structures called rhizoids. 

It loves to grow during the grey, wet days of spring. Moss won't kill your lawn but instead will fill in the spaces where the lawn is thin. 

Unlike grass, moss absorbs nutrients and water through their leaves which just so happen to sit above the ground. This means that for any lawns with compacted soil where grass generally struggles, moss will have no problem growing. 

If you struggle with moss a lot with your lawn, you could be making several mistakes that provide the perfect environment for moss to thrive.

To get rid of it, lawn specialist and gardening expert Luke Taylor at So & Mo has recommended an organic method - dish soap.

He said: “The organic method of moss removal is a safe and eco-friendly alternative to chemical treatments. 

“This method involves creating a homemade solution using dish soap mixed with lukewarm water.”

Washing up liquid is something most households will have, if not, a bottle of it retails for just 55p at Morrisons and for 62p at Sainsbury’s.

For this method, combine two to four ounces of gentle dish soap with two gallons of water.

Apply this solution to the moss using a garden sprayer, ensuring it's thoroughly saturated. Don't worry about harming the grass as this solution is “gentle on turf”.

Luke continued: “After 24 hours, the moss should turn orange or brown, indicating it’s dead and ready for removal with a rake.”

Gardeners should then dispose of the dead moss in sealed bags to prevent spores from spreading.

Tom Monson from Monson Lawn and Landscaping also recommends using dish soap. He said: “Killing moss without decimating your grass can be tricky, but a dish soap solution can make it look easy with a little care and attention.”

He told Home and Gardens that “this solution is most effective if you catch the moss early”. 

As soon as gardeners notice the moss, Tom suggests mixing two ounces of dish soap with a gallon of water to make a gentle solution. 

He said: “This will kill the moss without harming your grass.” Gardeners should look to use approximately two gallons of water for every 1,000 square feet of grass.”

Once the moss has been removed, gardeners should go in with lawn seeds to fix the bare patches and get the grass back to full health again.

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Posted: 2024-06-10 19:31:03

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