Four foods the royals will never eat - and two may surprise you | Royal | News

The Royal Family may have access to the best and most intricate cuisines in the world, however, there are four foods that they never usually eat during engagements and one of them might surprise you.

While some of them may be very common to the average Brit, other, "rarer" ones are banned due to the risk of making them sick, while another one is a "no-no" due to the King's ethos.

Members of the Royal Family try to mostly avoid two very common items usually found in our kitchens - onions and garlic.

Former royal chef John Higgins has previously said: "At Buckingham Palace, you don't cook with garlic. I suppose, in case you get the royal burp."

The rule, mostly in place during royal events and state banquets at home and abroad, was also confirmed by Queen Camilla in 2018.

During an appearance on MasterChef Australia, Camilla said when asked about banned royal foods: "I hate to say this, but garlic. Garlic is a no-no."

Gary Mehigan, one of the judges , then asked: "So garlic is a no-no? Because you’re talking, chatting?"

The Queen replied: "Yes, exactly. So you always have to lay off the garlic."

Another food the royals are banned from eating while attending royal events or royal tours is shellfish - to avoid the risk of being poisoned.

King Charles's former butler Grant Harrold has previously revealed: "When dining, the Royal Family has to be careful with shellfish due to shellfish poisoning, due to their work schedules.

"It is a very sensible move to abandon having seafood when out and about on public duties. We don't want a member of the Royal Family having a serious reaction to food poisoning.

"Especially if [they] are on an overseas tour. Therefore you will not normally find this on the royal menu."

The monarch broke this rule when he was pictured eating oysters during the Whitstable Oyster Festival in 2013.

Lastly, there is one type of food Charles hates so much that he's banned it from all royal residences.

The King - who was even praised by animal rights organisation PETA - has banned the French delicacy foie gras from all menus served at his royal residences due to the unethical way it's made.

Foie gras is made from an abnormally enlarged duck or goose liver due to a disease called hepatic steatosis and is known as one of the most expensive delicacies in the world.

The gourmet dish, which is made as a result of a liver disease called hepatic steatosis, is widely known as one of the most expensive delicacies in the world.

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Posted: 2024-04-07 06:04:01

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